Learning my Lesson


Middle-School was rough for me…I was really overwhelmed with the rapid change of work from 5th grade to 6th. In 5th grade, I had the teacher that never checked homework, never gave homework, and always loved to tell us about old stories and would rarely teach us the material. At the time, I really enjoyed this teacher because 5th grade felt like a breeze. When 6th grade came around I was really overwhelmed with the work because I was expecting another breeze just like 5th grade. Since I didn’t get the material, I slacked off and didn’t do my homework and didn’t study for my tests. All I cared about was having fun. It was all fun and games until report cards came home. I was e Continue reading

Going through a Slump…

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I started this years track season off with a BANG! My first long jump of the year ended up being a new PR of 17 feet 6 inches. That’s a 4 inch PR from last year. After getting that PR, I knew this was going to be a good year. My spirits were up and I got cocky and slacked off a bit in practice and fell into poor eating habits. When the next meet came, I found myself sluggish in all my jumps, and felt more tired than usual. I started to get pissed off and it just threw my mind off and I lost my mojo. Ever since that meet, I found myself struggling to get back to where I was in the beginning of the year.

This slump has gotten so bad, that it started to affect my other events as well. Coming into the season, I had a PR of 35’10. I got that PR after finally attempting to use the 32 foot board. When season started and after 4 months of training, I expected to be jumping 36-37 feet. However, I have been jumping far less and the slump continues to affect my mindset. It has gotten so bad, that my fellow teammates approached and just told me to “Relax” and “Breathe.” They noticed how tense I was and how frustrated I had become. It’s nice to know that I have teammates willing to pick me up when I am down. It just builds team chemistry and character.

So in these upcoming meets, I promised myself that I will be back to where I was and improve from there. I will do this by working hard, eating right, and getting the right amount of sleep. And most importantly have fun.

A video of me last year during a duel meet. Triple Jump 34’4

What I did this Weekend…


It was an early Sat for me as my alarm woke me up at 6:30 A.M. to go to an 8 o’clock Track Meet. I was dead tired and barely made it out of my house on time. I was really hoping to get a new personal record in all my jumps today because I have been struggling and I was looking to avenge my poor performances. As I was doing drills, I noticed a tightness in my left hip-flexor. I thought I was just sore so I decided to push through and work through it. When we started jumping, my hip flexor was bothering me a lot. I didn’t feel like I was performing to the best of my ability. As I finished all 6 of my jumps, I was saddened because my “hurt” hip flexor reflected my score. So in order to get that poor performance out of my head, my friends and I decided to visit Red Palace and eat Korean Barbecue. It was pretty obvious on who was the hungriest of us all. I couldn’t wait for the briskets to cook, so as soon as they were done cooking, I dove in. In total, my friends and probably ate like 6 full plates of meat. 3 of them were probably because of me. Then, all of the sudden, I had realized that I had ate too much and found myself in the hospital. The doctor told me I am about to explode so she gave me a magical pill to stop me from exploding. The doctor warned me to watch what I eat and eat healthier. So the moral of this story is know your limitations